How Gratitude Will Help Moms Get Through The Toughest Moments Of Motherhood

Being a mom is hard work and there is no denying that. And, it would also not be normal to never have moments of frustration when your kids are really testing your nerves. You had just cooked up a delicious dinner that required a lot of work and effort only to find out that your child will refuse to touch a bite of it! And, you had also tripped on a toy that you had asked your child 3 times to put away! Those are certainly the days when you are going to say without hesitation how difficult motherhood really is! However, those are also the times when you are challenged to stop, take a deep breath, and think.
You are challenged to no longer fuel the frustration you feel about motherhood, and start focusing on why motherhood is the greatest gift and blessing that can be experienced! This is not about invalidating your feelings of frustration, because it is all about gratitude instead. There are plenty of women that cannot have kids that would give their eye teeth to experience motherhood which includes the frustration every mother experiences with their kids as well! These women have struggled to go through expensive and grueling rounds of IVF to have kids! And some are successful and some are not. The point is that every mom must remember that her kids are blessings that do not come easily to a lot of people and to focus on the following in order to feel gratitude rather than frustration:
- Kids have taught you that you are capable of giving unconditional love - Before having kids, you never knew you had it in you to give unconditional love because having your own babies will bring that out of you. And that is a wonderful feeling. You never thought you were capable of loving anyone the same way as you love your kids.
- Focus on what you get back from your little one - Even during those moments of frustration, you cannot ever forget about those sweet kisses and hugs from your baby which no one can ever put a price tag on. Especially when your little one says that he or she loves you. You will realize how lucky you are being a mom when you remember that.
- You've been taught to enjoy and appreciate the little things in life - Your kids have taught you to appreciate and find beauty in the simple things such as a sunny day, the lush green grass and the trees, fall colors, and having fun building a snowman in the winter time. That is because your kids think those things are amazing! When you think about that, you find beauty and value in the simple things in life which plays a significant role in not worrying about buying the most expensive piece of clothing or jewelry which only breeds misery. Appreciating the simple things brings you so much pleasure.
- Your kids have helped you become yourself - Chances are before you had kids, you worried about not being able to walk outside your home without makeup on, or wearing a highly regarded name brand of clothing. And, there is a good chance that you did that to impress others which did not necessarily make you happy. However, after having kids, you are not going to be concerned about wearing makeup and wearing the most expensive outfits! Sure, you still want to make yourself appear presentable, but you have been given the opportunity to be yourself instead of being dressed up as someone who truly doesn't represent you! When you think about that aspect of motherhood alone, that probably allows you to breathe a sigh of relief because how can you not agree?
- Focus on the fun moments you have with your kids - There are many times that you enjoy taking your kids to the mall, or for a stroll in the park, or for ice cream and those are always so enjoyable that involve laughter and fun!
- Face it, your kids are your life even with the frustrating moments and all - Can you ever imagine life without your kids? No! That alone is a reason to be grateful!
Motherhood is rewarding and a beautiful thing! However, if you are experiencing constant sadness and you are having a difficult time with expressing and feeling gratitude even though you love your kids - then you need to call a doctor as you may be dealing with a mental health disorder such as depression that must be properly addressed. And, no matter how rewarding motherhood is, it is a tough job and this is why it is important for any mom to ask for help when needed! Otherwise, enjoy your motherhood journey and remember how lucky you are!